

1944年,澳门葡京博彩软件的学生投票决定建立学术荣誉制度,因为他们相信澳门葡京博彩软件社区的每个成员都有义务维护学院的学术标准. 该准则所依据的基本前提是,学习过程是个人努力和承诺的产物,伴随着道德和智力的完整性. The Academic Honor Code is the institutional expression of these beliefs. 该准则要求每个人都要诚实,尊重并回应在学术社区中负责任生活的要求.

Read more about the Academic Honor Code as it applies to examinations and class work in the 澳门葡京博彩软件手册.

政策 & 的指导方针

Scheduled and self-scheduled examinations may not be taken outside the regular examination period. 未经行政委员会许可,学生不得提前完成考试,也不得与教师特别安排在考试时间之外完成考试. Written requests must be made to the Administrative Board through the class dean (not to individual faculty members).

学生 making their end-of-semester travel arrangements should be sure that their plans do not conflict with the examination schedule; requests to take final examinations early will not be considered.

Only the class dean may authorize an extension beyond the end of the final exam period. 这样的扩展, 因病准许, emergency or extenuating personal circumstances, will always be confirmed in writing with the student, 老师, 还有注册办公室. 个人教练, without authorization by the class dean, may grant extensions on work due during the semester through the last day of exams.

For students granted an official extension by the class dean, 补考由教务处负责,必须在教务长规定的截止日期前完成.

扩展 for 五个大学生

五个 College students enrolled in Smith courses are held to the guidelines published here concerning final exams and papers. 因健康或紧急原因需要延期的大学生应联系澳门葡京博彩软件的班级主任办公室.

If a student is too ill to write an examination, they should report to 卫生服务 before the examination is scheduled to begin. In case of illness which occurs after an examination has begun, the student should go directly from the examination center to 卫生服务, 不去他们家. In the case of a scheduled examination, they should leave the examination materials with 老师 if he/she is present, or on the desk in the examination room. 参加自考的学生应将考试材料交给收到考试的中心的主管. 在这两个例子中, 健康服务部将通知注册主任和班级主任,学生生病,不能在此期间完成考试.

下午2:40以后到的学生.m. 前三天或上午11点40分.m. 在最后一天 of self-scheduled exams may write for the remaining time, but must turn in all papers by the closing time for that session (4:30 p.m. 在前三天或下午三点.m. 在最后一天). 完成的考试和所有使用过和未使用过的蓝皮书必须归还给中心,并交给一名工作人员,他将记录收到的时间.


在考试期间未参加考试且没有延期的学生将被报告给行政委员会. The board has ruled that a grade of E shall be given for examinations missed because of carelessness, 过度的睡眠, 误读时间表, 可怜的计划, 等.


的最后期限s for Final Exam 住宿

学期 的最后期限
秋季学期 11月15日
春季学期 4月1日

Disability 服务 will evaluate your request and inform the registrar about the specific accommodations needed. 住宿 are not guaranteed to students whose requests are received after the deadline. 如果没有当前的医疗文件或残疾服务部门存档的心理教育测试,将不会提供与残疾有关的住宿.

学生 with disabilities taking exams with accommodations must pick up their exams from the registrar's office. The registrar's office will be open at 9 a.m. each day during the examination period and exams with additional time can be picked up until 12:10 p.m. (双倍时间),或下午1:10.m. (time and a half) the first three days or 10:40 a.m. (双倍时间)和上午11:40.m. (time and a half) the last day of exams. 当你拿到试卷时,你会被告知在哪里参加考试以及允许的住宿. 学生 taking exams with accommodations are bound to the Smith honor code.

五个大学生 with Disabilities

五个 有残疾证明的大学生需要在自行安排的期末考试中提供残疾相关的便利,必须首先联系你所在学校的残疾服务协调员. 那个人会评估你对住宿的需求,并向你提供一封信或表格,说明所需的住宿, which youmust submit to the Office of Disability 服务 at 澳门葡京博彩软件. 残疾服务办公室将评估您的请求,并通知注册主任所需的具体住宿. 住宿 are not guaranteed to 五个 College students whose requests are received after the deadline.

的最后期限s for Final Exam 住宿

学期 的最后期限
秋季学期 11月15日
春季学期 4月1日


期末考试(涵盖整个学期的工作)必须在学期末的期末考试期间进行. They may not be given during the last week of classes or during the pre-examination study period.


考试前的学习阶段, between the end of classes and the beginning of final examinations, is set aside for students to prepare for exams. Therefore, the college does not schedule social, academic or cultural activities during this time. 论文截止日期, take-home exams or other course work cannot be set during the pre-exam study period.


期末考试(涵盖整个学期的工作)必须在学期末的期末考试期间进行. They may not be given during the last week of classes or during the pre-examination study period.

学生可以在下面的时间表中列出的任何时间开始考试,但必须在列出的考试结束时间之前留出足够的时间完成考试. 学生 are limited to 2 hours and 20 minutes (including travel time) to complete an exam. All exams must be returned by 4:30 p.m. 在前三天,或者下午三点.m. 在最后一天. 学生 who check out exams after 2:10 p.m. 前三天,或者中午12点40分.m. 在最后一天 will only have the remaining time in the exam period to complete their exam.

日期 登录 全职签到 完成了
5月7日星期二 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
5月8日星期三 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
5月9日星期四 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
5月10日星期五 9 a.m.–3 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 3 p.m.

在出示带照片的身份证后,在Seelye 110领取试卷,并必须在试卷上注明的返回时间内返回同一房间. Exams must be written in designated classrooms in Seelye Hall. Please see the link below of sanctioned classrooms for exams, per the Honor Board.

Sanctioned 教室 for self-scheduled exams (36.55 KB)

记录你的时间. The time you pick up your exam and return it will be recorded, but you are responsible for monitoring your time and finishing within the time limit.


CHM 222 - 01
CHM 222 - 02年
CHM 222 - 03
CHM 363 - 01


100年GRK y-01
100年LAT y-01
LAT 214 - 01


CSC 110 - 02年
CSC 110 - 03
CSC 231 - 01
CSC 231 - 02年


ECO 125 - 01
ECO 150 - 01
ECO 150 - 02年
ECO 150 - 03
ECO 153 - 01
ECO 153 - 02年
ECO 220 - 01
ECO 250 - 01
ECO 253 - 01


EGR 220 - 03
EGR 375 - 01


复用距离101 - 01
复用距离103 - 01
复用距离103 - 02年
复用距离220 - 01
复用距离220 - 02年


政府242 - 01


110年ITL y-01
ITL 111 - 01
ITL 220 - 01


JUD 102 - 01


NSC 130 - 01


体育215 - 01


超过120 - 01


130 - 01
150 - 01
201 - 01
264 - 01


REL 112 - 01


Scheduled examinations are given in courses when slides, dictation or listening comprehension are required. 这些考试在学期末的常规考试期间进行,并且只能在预定的时间进行.

If the schedule creates a conflict with another scheduled examination, students should notify the registrar’s office immediately.  

因病不能参加考试的学生,应在考试开始前向卫生服务处报告. If a student becomes ill during an examination, the student should leave the incomplete examination materials with 老师 and go directly to 健康 Service, 不去他们家. 健康 Service will notify the registrar and class dean of the student’s illness. 

当然,部分(年代) 开始时间 位置
Chi 111,02 9 a.m. 福特240年
JPN 111 01、02、03 9 a.m. 斯托达德G2
Eco 224 01 2 p.m. 麦康奈尔103
FMS 237 01 2 p.m. 斯托达德G2
JPN 221 01、02 2 p.m. 福特240年

当然,部分(年代) 开始时间 位置
Chi 121 01 9 a.m. 福特240年
Kor 102 01 02 9 a.m. 斯托达德G2
Chi 221 01 2 p.m. 福特240年
Eco 214 01 2 p.m. 麦康奈尔103
Kor 202 01 2 p.m. 斯托达德G2

Take-home exams are administered by 老师. 所有带回家的考试都是“开卷”形式,除了导师规定的提交截止日期外,没有写作时间限制. 可以在任何时间分发给学生,但提交的截止日期不能在考前学习期间或考试期间的最后一天之后.

All take-home examinations will be accompanied by examination guidelines. 截止日期和交付地点或方式都必须在带回家的考试和指导方针中注明.


美联社分数 & 安排考试

在大多数大学先修课程考试中获得4分或5分的学生将由注册办公室通知所记录的学分及其使用方法. 这些分数可以用来帮助你和你的文科顾问把你安排在适合你背景的课程水平上. The registrar’s office also evaluates International Baccalaureate, A-levels and college credit earned before matriculation at Smith. 欲知详情,请参阅 转移信用 页面. 

Full information regarding placement exams can be found on individual program 页面s.